05-02-2016, 05:51 AM
In the case of Styrofoam or EPF, banning is probably the preferred solution:
No argument here -- but neither will a ban be completely successful -- some styrofoam will still be imported due to "interstate commerce".
We need sensible regulation that addresses both sides of the problem. Excellent example: the rule change that banned cesspools really should have included type-approval for a few models of composting toilet. In this case, a styrofoam ban needs to include collection for recyling -- even if it won't really be recycled, at least it's diverted from the landfill.
a large package from E-bay loaded with styrofoam peanuts
These are 100% reusable -- save them for next time you ship something off-island -- maybe the recipient lives in one of those places with paved roads and styrofoam recycling.
No argument here -- but neither will a ban be completely successful -- some styrofoam will still be imported due to "interstate commerce".
We need sensible regulation that addresses both sides of the problem. Excellent example: the rule change that banned cesspools really should have included type-approval for a few models of composting toilet. In this case, a styrofoam ban needs to include collection for recyling -- even if it won't really be recycled, at least it's diverted from the landfill.
a large package from E-bay loaded with styrofoam peanuts
These are 100% reusable -- save them for next time you ship something off-island -- maybe the recipient lives in one of those places with paved roads and styrofoam recycling.