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Joining FoPF (Friends of Puna's Future)
I had a request on joining FoPF. Here's the basics. Feel free to ask questions:

Aloha, We'd love to have you with us. Lots to do to prepare for an amendment process. We need all the membership we can gather.

Charter Membership are $100 per year dues. This allows full participation in all FoPF issues an polls and qualifies for committee chair positions. Also voting on BoD and budget items. It's your money you get to say where it goes.

Participating Members have no dues. Donations are appreciated. We do need money to operate. This allows full participation in all FoPF issues an polls and qualifies for committee positions. Your voice is heard. Participating means that active participation in some ways are expected.

Current project: Passing the PCDP and the following amendment process

Upcoming: Redistricting

To join send us a simple note that you want to join on one level or the other. Include your full contact information. Mail your dues (if any) or donations to:

Note: Tax deductible status applied for but is not effective until the IRS approves. Might occur in a few months. It's a slow process.

Is is also not necessary to own property here or live here. Anyone with a sincere interest in Puna's Future may participate.


Rob Tucker
P.O. Box 1959
Pahoa, HI 96778
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator

Messages In This Thread
Joining FoPF (Friends of Puna's Future) - by Rob Tucker - 08-01-2008, 10:33 AM

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