06-01-2016, 10:13 AM
Breaking News. Live from Hawaii, Tommy hawksblood. Starting at 8.30 to 9.45 PM many things were happening in and over Hawaii. There were many ships -UFO's flying in the sky. There were about ten -so-called shooting stars. A meteorite and a comet. A light ship blinking six time at me in ten minutes. Ships blinking and disappearing . Then a Giant green Ball surrounded by orange with a yellowish long tail came down very close to the town Pahoa. It was very Big not sure what happened when it hit.
Years ago my co-host and his girlfriend at the time saw something very similar when we were watching on a mountain in Pine Bush New Your. We went to where it hit the next morning for we were sleeping out. There were no marks or signs of it hitting solidly.
If anyone was watching the sky during that time and saw something let me know. Not sure how many people really care but it was incredible if you were watching.
Please watch our show. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vwy9iDkhJBs
This is 2:30 am 30 of May. when I wrote this about that night - before Sunday. looking toward SE and South. Before the volcano.
clear sky one of three days in a month and a half. Could not see Mars - ?
greetings. Did anyone see any real UFO activity in the past week?
greetings. Did anyone see any real UFO activity in the past week?