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Fire Ant Eye in pets - cure sought
I'm glad the topic is getting some discussion and am particularly impressed that the web site (despite it's URL) is quick to point out that they don't know if the eye problems are really caused by LFA or not. "The condition is called tropical keratopathy and is found in tropical and semi-tropical places, especially where there are Little Fire Ants."

We adopted a dog with what appeared to be an LFA eye and the vet told us there was no direct evidence the phenomenon is linked to LFA and that none of the treatments they had tried seemed to be effective. It was one of the reasons I didn't go the ER when the following happened.

Later when I got stung in the eye ( ) by an LFA I was extremely concerned but made a full recovery. I got stung a second time, this time on the outside lid of the eye, months after the inside eye sting and no longer do any pruning etc of brush above my face where LFA are present without wearing a no-see-um gauge mosquito head net (about $3 on Amazon).

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Messages In This Thread
Fire Ant Eye in pets - cure sought - by DTisme - 06-07-2016, 06:19 AM
RE: Fire Ant Eye in pets - cure sought - by PaulW - 06-07-2016, 08:25 AM
RE: Fire Ant Eye in pets - cure sought - by terracore - 06-07-2016, 01:12 PM

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