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Having Trouible With Rob's Email Server?
I have experience with installing and running online forums, what happens is that over the years the server gets upgraded to a point where the older forum software is no longer compatible with the newer sendmail (or whatever is being used) server settings. There is "usually" a way to change the settings in the forum admin panel to make the email work again. In some other instances that isn't possible and an admin has to get involved, and that isn't always free. This Snitz forum software is pretty old-school but its great for smaller online communities and the smaller footprint and lack of bells and whistles makes it fairly stable so it can go a long time without being updated. Newer forum software requires constant updating, tinkering, and babysitting. They really are a pain to administer.

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RE: Having Trouible With Rob's Email Server? - by terracore - 06-20-2016, 12:46 PM

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