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Activist sues, says medical marijuana violates law
Anyone have any new news to share regarding this thread or the mmj activist Mr Ruggles ongoing suits?

I found this somewhat recent article that tries to explain MR Ruggles case and the complexities surrounding these MMJ issues in Hawaii.

It does seem like the police and DLNR were targeting or harassing Mr Ruggles for the most part of a decade. Was it because he was a Hawaii MMJ card holder or something else? DO the Police and DLNR do these types of so called "compliance checks" to all the MMJ card Holders?

It MUST be very difficult for our island Judges to decide these types of different cases within our community, for example.
WHO is the bigger animal preying on the community. This DLNR Former Police Officer, or Our Local MMJ activist?

How or Why does an mmj activist like Mr Ruggles receive such a high bail amount, multiple charges, and three life terms to defend in court? While a local DLNR officer faces one possible 20 year sentence, after a small bail amount for possibly harming our Keiki in the community? They both had guns that were legal right?

Our D.A Mr Roth got this one right "MaHaLo" for the time and effort. Having a daughter myself I can say I feel safer and better knowing this guy is not still stalking young girls in a BLNR-DLNR uniform.

Sounds like a dubious cover up effort by the DLNR Officer was also in the works, thankfully our D.A and his team saw through this effort. Would this mean that every police car has this GPS tracking system? Is this GPS system also in all police used helicopters?

Edited to add new info, link and questions.

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RE: Activist sues, says medical marijuana violates law - by Guest - 07-03-2016, 12:37 PM

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