08-14-2016, 06:12 AM
I don't consider that I have heard from a representative sample of Native Hawaiians. I have heard from a vocal and irrational minority who have an ax to grind. The voice of PUEO finally speaking up drives home how strikingly absent such a viewpoint has been until now. The actions of the protesters are functionally equivalent to those of parents who draw a social security number for their kids then steal their identity and ruin their credit. On some level it must feel good, getting something for nothing, but it requires a shocking lack of appreciation for the damage being done, a lack of willingness and ability to assign value to their children's future. That and a taste for cheap thrills in the here and now. Yes, I consider practicing superstitious rituals in the 21st century to be cheap thrills. More so I consider derailing public policy for fun to be a cheap thrill so while it would be bad enough to derail a project of such merit over a personal interpretation of what a culture hundreds of years ago might have thought and done, it is worse when many probably aren't even sincere in those cultural/religious beliefs but are essentially only shouting fire in a crowded theater.