09-11-2016, 07:01 AM
Originally posted by Cagary
My wife and I are off grid so we got the most efficient one we could find.
I am curious ... What fridge did you end up with brand? How many cubic feet? Is it the standard freezer on top? Any options like auto ice maker or water through the door?
Also, on the yellow tag, what is the yearly KW usage?
I dunno, I tried going on the web to figure out what fridge would be best, but, I just went to sears and HD and looked at all the standard freezer on top, 18 cu ft fridges. The one I found to be the best was a GE, the yellow tag consumption was around 356 kwh a year. So, we bought it....... and it's pretty much right on the money according to the kill-a-watt meter. Even tho, I upgraded the lighting and filled the empty spaces with beer and jugs of water. It runs just under 1Kwh a day. I am happy with that. It's not the side by side, but last I looked those were pulling around triple to what my fridge uses. Next fridge we get we are thinking of buying local, and going with cold stone. He says his will cut the power consumption in half about 500 watts daily.