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Protectors required (don't apply via FB)
Originally posted by leilanidude

Originally posted by gypsy69

I find this buying out act by Zuckerberg to be disrespectful, egotistic and selfish. This should not be allowed to happen "shame on the county of Kauai" and this Zuckerberg is taking advantage of the corrupt system in place that only he can either afford or be represented. Native Hawaiians, local families, and even OHA should have first crack at tending or buying these types of land parcels once they are cleared or cleaned. jmo

You may want to read the article and then go back and edit your post.

X2. If you really had no idea that you had a 1/100th share in a 1/10th acre landlocked parcel, and the legal maneuvering is something that you yourself might do if the shoe was on the other foot, it is really inappropriate to define this as "wrong".

Messages In This Thread
RE: Protectors required (don't apply via FB) - by Guest - 01-20-2017, 09:12 AM
RE: Protectors required (don't apply via FB) - by MarkP - 01-21-2017, 04:16 AM

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