02-03-2017, 07:25 PM
More for comic relief than anything. For those that didn't get to the end of Galileo's link yesterday (http://www.environment-hawaii.org/?p=9361) this was the extraordinary exchange between witness and cross-examiner:
"William Freitas: I don’t want to be too repetitive, but for my own foundation … who hired you to do this conservation district use permit?
Perry White: The Carlsmith law firm. The University of Hawai`i was the ultimate client.
Freitas: How long did it take this CDUP to be completed?
White: The CDUP isn’t completed. The application took several months.
Freitas: Isn’t this about the CDUP?
White: We prepared the application. I’m testifying as to the application. The permit is something the board will issue. We requested it through a permit application.
Freitas: Did you get compensated for this work you done?
White: … Yes.
Freitas: Do you work for them still?
White: I work for Planning Solutions, yes.
Freitas: Do you work for Carlsmith, the one who hired you?
White: I work for Planning Solutions.
Freitas: Is that your company?
White: It was at one time.
Freitas: Do you work for Carlsmith, yes or no?
White: I don’t work for Carlsmith, I work for Planning Solutions.
Freitas: Carlsmith hired you, but you don’t work for Carlsmith?
White: Carlsmisth hired Planning Solutions, Carlsmith did not hire me.
Freitas: You’re the author of this CDUP.
White: Yes, I was working for Planning Solutions at the time I prepared this CDUA.
Freitas: C-D-U-A. And you don’t work for them now.
White: I still work for Planning Solutions.
Freitas: I don’t know if I’m getting confused, but I just wanna know. You’re Planning Solutions. You don’t work for them anymore.
White: I am Perry White. I work for a company called Planning Solutions. Planning Solutions works for Carlsmith and the University.
Ian Sandison [attorney for the University of Hawai`i]: Objection, repetitive.
Judge Amano: Can we move on?
Freitas: I just wanted to get that clear, if he still works for them.
Amano: He still works for Planning Solutions.
Freitas: So that’s a yes, right?
White: Yes."
"William Freitas: I don’t want to be too repetitive, but for my own foundation … who hired you to do this conservation district use permit?
Perry White: The Carlsmith law firm. The University of Hawai`i was the ultimate client.
Freitas: How long did it take this CDUP to be completed?
White: The CDUP isn’t completed. The application took several months.
Freitas: Isn’t this about the CDUP?
White: We prepared the application. I’m testifying as to the application. The permit is something the board will issue. We requested it through a permit application.
Freitas: Did you get compensated for this work you done?
White: … Yes.
Freitas: Do you work for them still?
White: I work for Planning Solutions, yes.
Freitas: Do you work for Carlsmith, the one who hired you?
White: I work for Planning Solutions.
Freitas: Is that your company?
White: It was at one time.
Freitas: Do you work for Carlsmith, yes or no?
White: I don’t work for Carlsmith, I work for Planning Solutions.
Freitas: Carlsmith hired you, but you don’t work for Carlsmith?
White: Carlsmisth hired Planning Solutions, Carlsmith did not hire me.
Freitas: You’re the author of this CDUP.
White: Yes, I was working for Planning Solutions at the time I prepared this CDUA.
Freitas: C-D-U-A. And you don’t work for them now.
White: I still work for Planning Solutions.
Freitas: I don’t know if I’m getting confused, but I just wanna know. You’re Planning Solutions. You don’t work for them anymore.
White: I am Perry White. I work for a company called Planning Solutions. Planning Solutions works for Carlsmith and the University.
Ian Sandison [attorney for the University of Hawai`i]: Objection, repetitive.
Judge Amano: Can we move on?
Freitas: I just wanted to get that clear, if he still works for them.
Amano: He still works for Planning Solutions.
Freitas: So that’s a yes, right?
White: Yes."