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I asked around after I moved here and never got any good local recommendations. Everybody I talked to had already been through the same process and decided to continue using their own mainland accountants, even for filing local taxes etc. If you had one in Oregon, maybe they are still willing to help you.

I used to use Turbotax and found TaxAct to be more accurate and cleaner to use. And cheaper. Of course all of them are free to use right up to the section where you want to print your return or e-file, so you can always dry run both of them and see if either works for you. I know some of these software packages are still available on CDs etc but the online versions can be updated after the CDs are all produced for the year and can be more accurate. Plus you don't have to pay anything to try them out online.

Messages In This Thread
accountant? - by ericlp - 02-19-2017, 07:43 AM
RE: accountant? - by Rob Tucker - 02-19-2017, 08:35 AM
RE: accountant? - by terracore - 02-19-2017, 09:33 AM

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