06-14-2017, 07:49 AM
Section 25-5-60. Purpose and applicability.
The FA district is intended to be in areas designated as being within the State land use agricultural district...
County can make this zoning change without involving State.
Section 25-5-62. Permitted uses.
(a) The following uses shall be permitted in FA districts:
(14) Livestock, grazing; provided that any feed or water area, salt lick, corral, run, barn, shed, stable, house, hutch, or other enclosure for the keeping of any permitted animals shall be located at least seventy-five feet from any lot line.
HPP lots are only 135' wide, which means there is no permissible place to keep livestock (assuming County bothers to enforce).
The FA district is intended to be in areas designated as being within the State land use agricultural district...
County can make this zoning change without involving State.
Section 25-5-62. Permitted uses.
(a) The following uses shall be permitted in FA districts:
(14) Livestock, grazing; provided that any feed or water area, salt lick, corral, run, barn, shed, stable, house, hutch, or other enclosure for the keeping of any permitted animals shall be located at least seventy-five feet from any lot line.
HPP lots are only 135' wide, which means there is no permissible place to keep livestock (assuming County bothers to enforce).