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YOU owe the state of Hawaii $28,500.00
The Illinois economy is a sh!t show. They've spent billions of dollars more each year than they bring in for so long and raised taxes so high that it caused a mass exodus such that the population of tax payers plummeted. Surprise, it only made the problem worse. Now it's the only state in history that is likely to be downgraded to junk bond status (meaning the interest on their growing debt will skyrocket when they can afford it least). Connecticut and a few other states aren't far behind. You can call it tax-and-spend or borrow-and-spend but the end game is going to be the same, eventually nobody will lend them money anymore, then all these states will look like Detroit from border to border.

"The trouble with Socialism is that eventually you run out of other people’s money.” (Margaret Thatcher).

Illinois has run out of other people's money (they left the state) and soon not even the high-risk lenders will do business with them anymore. This is Hawaii's future if we don't stop the unfettered taxes and spending.

ETA: (they all left the state)

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RE: YOU owe the state of Hawaii $28,500.00 - by terracore - 07-06-2017, 12:45 PM

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