08-12-2017, 05:07 AM
I agree with HOTPE. The only difference between an outhouse and a cesspool is that the cesspool does prevent contact with the sewage at the surface. Flies can get into the outhouse but not the cesspool. OTOH a cesspool is sort of an injection well. It is deep and it also receives lots of water so it is almost designed to promote leaching of sewage down towards the water table. In that regard the outhouse is better than the cesspool. If you compost properly that is almost the best of all methods. If you cover the pile with enough clean grass clippings or wood chips there is no risk of flies or other vectors getting at it and with no additional water there is basically nothing to leach. These are big ifs though and I don't blame the county for discouraging composting toilets. Just look at how many people dump their garbage along the road. Those people don't have it in them to properly manage a clean and safe humanure composting system. That would require effort.