09-25-2017, 06:56 PM
Originally posted by mermaid53
quote:I was at the meeting. It wasn't an "HPP meeting" per se. Joy and Eileen spoke. They spoke about the PMAR topic trying to straighten out the misinformation the HPP PMAR committee had been reporting to lot owners. Donald Smith Hawaii District engineer spoke about current and future highway work, and a couple of engineers spoke. One of them focused on the process of road dedication. They took questions at the end of the meeting. There were board members from other subdivisions who spoke about their challenges as well because they knew that Joy and Eileen would be there. It was interesting to hear the specific challenges that other subdivisions are dealing with.
Originally posted by My 2 cents
You should listen to people who were there ( don't think the minutes of the meeting are available yet ) about how FW presented himself, and claimed to represent OLE. He was finally shouted down.
There are plenty of people claiming to represent OLE these days. I am curious about what an OLE resident/property owner/board member(?) might have to say to the membership of HPP, or why he might feel that taking up time in their meeting would be welcome. Details of this, anyone?
Apparently I misinterpreted "HPP meeting about roads" and I stand corrected. Thanks for the info Mermaid.