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Santa's Workshop Fundraiser is OVER. MAHALO!
Obie, HOTPE,

Way back when I was a little kid, my parents showered me and my sister with Christmas presents. As a five-year-old, I still remember my sister telling me she could hear Santa's jingle bells and that I had to sleep or I wouldn't get any presents. Once I got to sleep there were small presents in my bedroom when I awoke but had to wait until going to church in the morning before I could see the real gifts.

My parents did this because I never knew my grandparents, so didn't have the same things many kids do, although I'm certainly not alone with this experience. What it did teach me, however, is that this was a magical time for me and just having a gift or two that I didn't expect just made my day. At that age, I didn't care who paid for it, I didn't even know what money really meant.

This is what disgusts me about one or two recent posts. People are donating money to make underprivileged kids have, hopefully, the same sort of Christmas I experienced as a young five-year-old. I don't remember people bickering about who spends the money or how much they donated.

I was taught to say "thank you" to whoever bought the present and if it was particularly generous I would do something to help pay it back.
Being so young I rarely got that pay-back offer, but on occasion I was asked to rake leaves in the yard - something that was fun for me back then!

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RE: Santa's Workshop Fundraiser is OVER. MAHALO! - by TomK - 10-26-2017, 08:40 PM

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