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I Can't Drive 55 (Highway 130 edition)
Originally posted by EightFingers
That was part of the promise from the new Hiway engineer to make roads safer. He said at the meeting few months ago speed limits would change.

I had heard that, but thought it was to be in conjunction with the intersection changes. Given that nothing about the road has changed, adjusting the speed limit just seems odd and was unexpected.

HereOnThePrimalEdge -
At 55 MPH - 4 minutes 22 seconds
At 45 MPH - 5 minutes 20 seconds

I'm not real concerned about the extra 60, 100, or 300 seconds for the trip, but rather the creation of a speed trap for all of us with driving habits from years of traversing this stretch of road (yep, seen the police have been out enforcing the new speed limit). Oh well, time to set the cruise control (or just pass all the slow traffic on the right - Go on and write me up for 125... Wink

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RE: I Can't Drive 55 (Highway 130 edition) - by ironyak - 12-04-2017, 02:32 AM

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