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Kahu Blessing for a new home... Questions
Kahu Blessing Questions

Can someone please explain to me in detail, about the Kahu Blessing? We are closing on a house in Hilo October 31 and we are interested in getting the house blessed. We will be there for the closing and two weeks after, but are not moving in until January.

1) What is involved in the actual ceremony & what is the history of a Kahu Blessing ?
2) What is the usual honorarium?
3) How do I find the person/persons to do the blessing (Hilo side)?
4) Who are the leis for?
5) Are friends and neighbors usually invited? If so, is food usually provided?
6) Would it be more appropriate to do this blessing after we are moved in to the house in January? Or is it perhaps more important to do it as soon as we take official possession?

I am very interested in the cultural aspects of the community and still learning more about them. I appreciate your help in "educating me" and perhaps some others out there who may not understand this process.


Aloha au i Hawai`i,

Devany Vickery-Davidson
East Bay Potters

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Kahu Blessing for a new home... Questions - by Devany - 10-08-2008, 10:08 AM

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