01-12-2018, 02:24 AM
You should really consider the fixyourboard.com deal. My oven started flashing a fault code which I could make go away so I just dealt with it for a while. Somewhere in there I realized that while I could select any temperature, I wouldn't get that temperature. Stuff was not cooking. I don't recall how I found out about fixyourboard.com but with some trepidation I extracted the board and sent it off. When I got the board back everything worked! No need to mess with anything else. Cost about $115.
You should really consider the fixyourboard.com deal. My oven started flashing a fault code which I could make go away so I just dealt with it for a while. Somewhere in there I realized that while I could select any temperature, I wouldn't get that temperature. Stuff was not cooking. I don't recall how I found out about fixyourboard.com but with some trepidation I extracted the board and sent it off. When I got the board back everything worked! No need to mess with anything else. Cost about $115.