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Should UH manage Mauna Kea's summit?
OMKM does not affect the enrollment or teaching activities of UH. The OMKM board, which is where the decisions are made about managing the science reserve on Mauna Kea, does not consist of people affiliated with UH. Although funding does come from UH, those costs are essentially borne by the IfA which is able to do so given their costs are reduced as they have 15% observing time at the observatories. The rest of OMKM's funding for things like road maintenance and costs related to the VIS and Hale Pohaku comes directly from the observatories. Teaching staff play no role in the OMKM.

Messages In This Thread
Should UH manage Mauna Kea's summit? - by TomK - 01-26-2018, 06:38 PM
RE: Should UH manage Mauna Kea's summit? - by TomK - 02-17-2018, 01:26 PM

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