02-19-2018, 06:36 AM
If they sited the launch facility at the old Pahala Mill, and designed the launch vehicles to look like cane haul trucks they might get away with it.
Same with resorts. Sheath large newly built structures with corrugated metal siding:
"Welcome to Pahala Mill Resort - - An Authentic Plantation Experience!"
It's funny how Ka'u residents had no problem with a giant corporation operating on an industrial scale, one that polluted the land with chemicals, plastic, etc, burned cane creating tons of smoke particulates that residents breathed in, along with associated burning chemicals, plastic, cane spiders out in the fields...
And all that was perfectly acceptable, because why?
Most likely residents did not breathe burning cane spider fumes. I apologize for the emotional exaggeration of the facts. The cane spiders, as well as rats and mongoose, most likely escaped the burning fields and sought refuge around, under and in residents homes. Here's another example of the kind of good neighbor business that seems to be acceptable, and preferable to just about any idea suggested that would offer jobs to people living in the district. Pages and pages itemized with the chemicals left behind in the soil after the mills closed:
Same with resorts. Sheath large newly built structures with corrugated metal siding:
"Welcome to Pahala Mill Resort - - An Authentic Plantation Experience!"
It's funny how Ka'u residents had no problem with a giant corporation operating on an industrial scale, one that polluted the land with chemicals, plastic, etc, burned cane creating tons of smoke particulates that residents breathed in, along with associated burning chemicals, plastic, cane spiders out in the fields...
And all that was perfectly acceptable, because why?
Most likely residents did not breathe burning cane spider fumes. I apologize for the emotional exaggeration of the facts. The cane spiders, as well as rats and mongoose, most likely escaped the burning fields and sought refuge around, under and in residents homes. Here's another example of the kind of good neighbor business that seems to be acceptable, and preferable to just about any idea suggested that would offer jobs to people living in the district. Pages and pages itemized with the chemicals left behind in the soil after the mills closed:
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves