07-18-2006, 10:25 PM
Aloha Big Box Shoppers, probably a drift away from the subject but some of you speak of coolers top off with ice for the perishables. A penny wise thought would be to purchase a powered cooler, long cord plugs into cig/lighter 12v. keep in the trunk epoxied to the floor so it doesn't grow legs, lol ) They work excellantly and you can increase the useable space of the cooler by not having to use the ice . K-Mart sells them for @80.00 I'm sure someone here uses them....
Aloha HADave
Aloha HADave
Aloha HADave & Mz P
Hawaiian Acres
The best things in life are free.... or have no interest or payments for one full year.
Hawaiian Acres
The best things in life are free.... or have no interest or payments for one full year.