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Possible New Ag Restrictions For Roosters
buyers failed to perform their due diligence

Even if a buyer did perform their due diligence and understood livestock is permitted, they might also have expected the county would follow their own rules and not allow illegal farming operations (cockfighting & ancillary operations) to occur under their jurisdiction.

The problem as it plays out in the Hawaii legal system is that even if a cockfighter is arrested, the courts can rarely seat a jury. Potential jurors are asked whether they feel strongly one way or the other about cockfighting, and the the answer is almost always yes. If 12 prospective jurors all say no, there's probably at least one or two who are lying so they can get on the jury to help a distant relative (the accused), making it impossible to find the defendant guilty. When is the last time you saw a court case involving fighting roosters? The police don't arrest the "farmers" because they can't be prosecuted.

So Eileen O'Hara tried the next best thing, because we all know changing the zoning is not going to happen. (see numerous threads about subdivision boards, maintenance, general leadership incompetence if not outright fraud)

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RE: Possible New Ag Restrictions For Roosters - by HereOnThePrimalEdge - 03-14-2018, 04:35 AM

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