03-21-2018, 10:30 AM
Do we ban all tools that might be misused, or do we educate people on the proper use of tools?
There are people who would argue smokin' da ice has its benefits. It's other people who misuse it. Not them
What about hand grenades? Or a DIY Home Dental Kit? Driving a tank to Hilo? All of those devices when used by someone educated in their proper application could be put to good use, by one person or another. Or so they would argue.
Society draws a line in the sand. The line moves with the tide.
If you want to combine the dual pleasures of insanity and social acceptance, religion is your only choice. - Last Aphorisms
There are people who would argue smokin' da ice has its benefits. It's other people who misuse it. Not them
What about hand grenades? Or a DIY Home Dental Kit? Driving a tank to Hilo? All of those devices when used by someone educated in their proper application could be put to good use, by one person or another. Or so they would argue.
Society draws a line in the sand. The line moves with the tide.
If you want to combine the dual pleasures of insanity and social acceptance, religion is your only choice. - Last Aphorisms
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves