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Huge NE Swell Warning
The very rare Bayfront wave broke today....giant and rather disorganized....might be better tomorrow for the surfers.

For the rest of us, the big waves are nice because they close the highway. Which means pedestrians have free reign on the highway! If you are in town Thursday, check it out. Park downtown or in one of the two lots toward Bayfront Beach park (and the gas station).

You can safety walk near the fence and there's a couple of spots where you can walk to the edge of the ocean without being bombarded with spray. And note that spray can contain rocks! (Careful) Tonight the road was littered with rubble.

The waves are quite a sight. The whole circular walk is about 30-45 minutes.

ETA: Surf dropped fast; highway is reopened. 10:30 a.m. Thurs.

Messages In This Thread
Huge NE Swell Warning - by Eric1600 - 03-21-2018, 05:46 AM
RE: Huge NE Swell Warning - by MarkD - 03-21-2018, 07:49 PM

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