03-26-2018, 08:01 AM
I am equating it with over-regulation, which the Germans are well known for (for ages) and continued in East Germany to far more extreme levels than it occurred in the USSR under the Russians.
"Hilo and East Hawaii in general are slowly being gentrified. "
I guess so, if people are steadily complaining. Who are the primary complainers? Long-time residents? Relative newcomers? (The free ranging roosters, by the way, were very little in evidence in East Hawaii 35 years ago. The claim to the contrary is nonsense from the rooster farmers.)
"I have been complaining about the dilapidated look of the HFM for over a decade."
OK. You might as well provide everyone details on your mission. Congratulations on your success.
"Hilo and East Hawaii in general are slowly being gentrified. "
I guess so, if people are steadily complaining. Who are the primary complainers? Long-time residents? Relative newcomers? (The free ranging roosters, by the way, were very little in evidence in East Hawaii 35 years ago. The claim to the contrary is nonsense from the rooster farmers.)
"I have been complaining about the dilapidated look of the HFM for over a decade."
OK. You might as well provide everyone details on your mission. Congratulations on your success.