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HWY130 FY2017 TIGER Grant Application Not Selected
100,000 passenger enplanements per year

100,000 per year, is 300 passengers per day.
The ferry ride is 7 minutes.
The bridge was projected to cost $400 million dollars.

The daily traffic on Highway 130 is 27,000 cars.
Far higher than the population of Ketchikan, or a remote hunting camp in western Alaska.

Edited to add:
Cost Comparison Analysis

If we were to apply the same cost basis for the daily per person use of the (approved but not built) Ketchikan bridge (300 vehicles) with Puna's Highway 130 (27,000 vehicles):

300/$400 Million = 27,000/x
x would equal about $36 trillion dollars. The federal budget for the entire United States in 2017 was $4.2 trillion.
We could have some ssswwweeeeeettt Puna roadways for $36 trillion.

"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves

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RE: HWY130 FY2017 TIGER Grant Application Not Selected - by HereOnThePrimalEdge - 03-31-2018, 11:31 AM

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