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Feral chicken eradication ...@$108.00 each
Originally posted by Bullwinkle

Last I checked chickens were not high up on the ladder when it comes to smarts ... relatively easy to trap ....

as kids we made these kinds of traps using a cardboard box

The chickens in the video are obviously domestic. There is a big difference between domestic and feral chickens. I'm pretty sure a feral chicken would shed that basket in a split second. And once he did, it's unlikely that he would ever go into that trap again. They may be bird-brains, but some things they learn very fast.

Nevertheless, a modified version of that trap would work. Some thought should be given to how to retrieve the chicken from the trap without it escaping and giving you some nasty scratches in the process.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Feral chicken eradication ...@$108.00 each - by Guest - 04-05-2018, 03:57 PM
RE: Feral chicken eradication ...@$108.00 each - by My 2 cents - 04-06-2018, 09:00 AM

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