05-27-2018, 12:20 AM
I buy TP/Paper Towels from costco. I've been using costco now without a membership card, since I only go every 6 months or so. Before my membership expired, I bought 200 bucks in 25 dollar gift cards. So, I can go to costco 8 times, or ... about 4 years without renewing or paying for membership. I like costco a lot, because I buy a lot of things that make the drive worth it. If they built one in Hilo side, I'd have no problem paying for membership fees. Can't get the gas deals, but thought I'd point that out... At first I was a bit nervous using the gift card and buying 300 bucks worth of products. I can say, no one cares, and I make sure I have cash on hand, so I don't deal with any weird terms and conditions.