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Time to begin discussing Puna lava viewing site
"Honestly, Hawai'i should be allowed to have a federal exemption to the federal cannabis laws...."

glass numbers, your comments about cannabis and casinos are fair points, but they are barely relevant to the discussion we are having. Did you accidentally post in the wrong place?

kalakoa: "HVNP suffered enough damage that it may never recover."

Meaning permanent closure of the park? A very serious outcome in many ways.

I thought the continuing fumes and ash clouds are the main problem.

Has there been some official statement from HVNP personnel that permanent park closure is a possibility? If so, that subject is worth its own thread.

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Star Advertiser article today (6/11)

Headline: Opening viewing points might shore up Big Island’s visitor industry

County, state and visitor industry officials are discussing opening fissure areas to public viewing...

Messages In This Thread
RE: Time to begin discussing Puna lava viewing site - by MarkD - 06-11-2018, 02:10 AM
RE: Time to begin discussing Puna lava viewing site - by taropatch - 07-28-2018, 09:26 PM

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