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Vacation Rental Bill Community Meeting (Ruggles)
This is what I've heard over the years too!

Originally posted by Eric1600

Every politicition and lay person that has pushed these types of bills cite the "rental crisis". The real reason there are few long term rentals is because the owners of those properties are not well protected under the current laws. It's almost impossible to recover the costs of damages done by tenets and the deposits are strictly limited.

Vacation rentals on the other hand rarely incur damages and the guests are very clean because they get rated on AirBnB, etc. There is no one that wants to take their nice vacation rental and turn it into a long term rental and have it trashed inside a year.

mella l
Art and Science
mella l
Art and Science

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RE: Vacation Rental Bill Community Meeting (Ruggles) - by mella l - 06-14-2018, 04:12 AM

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