06-17-2018, 08:22 AM
More info on the topic.
Interesting the arrest occurred in Sept. 2015--nearly 3 years ago.
Changes in public sentiment on marijuana and also gay marriage represent two of the most amazing shifts in public opinion we have ever seen. In both cases, roughly speaking, support for each of these rose from some 35% to just over 50% in about 15 years.
Indeed according to some graphs here, support for marijuana rose from 34% in 2004 to 58% in 2016.
Marijuana support
What exactly is it that prosectors think they are doing here?? The 3 years have likely more liberalized views on marijuana, if anything. Prosecutors think they are going to win? That's rich.
Good man, Mike. Continue to reject any pleas. Stand up to these A--holes.
And all the old-type prosecutors in Hawaii that tyrannized people for decades on marijuana charges--you're Pau...irrelevant.
Go to your nursing home. Your time is over. The world moves on without you.
Interesting the arrest occurred in Sept. 2015--nearly 3 years ago.
Changes in public sentiment on marijuana and also gay marriage represent two of the most amazing shifts in public opinion we have ever seen. In both cases, roughly speaking, support for each of these rose from some 35% to just over 50% in about 15 years.
Indeed according to some graphs here, support for marijuana rose from 34% in 2004 to 58% in 2016.
Marijuana support
What exactly is it that prosectors think they are doing here?? The 3 years have likely more liberalized views on marijuana, if anything. Prosecutors think they are going to win? That's rich.
Good man, Mike. Continue to reject any pleas. Stand up to these A--holes.
And all the old-type prosecutors in Hawaii that tyrannized people for decades on marijuana charges--you're Pau...irrelevant.
Go to your nursing home. Your time is over. The world moves on without you.