08-01-2018, 12:29 PM
"What do you have to get just these channels? Spectrum is WAY too much on ole retired folks."
This is what I have: https://www.amazon.com/ClearStream-Indoo...lectronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1533176662&sr=1-6&keywords=Antennas+Direct+ClearStream&dpID=41KYhoL70VL&preST=_SX300_QL70_&dpSrc=srch&linkCode=ll1&tag=pw016-20&linkId=e549eeefe6ecea756049da0be75f63f9&language=en_US
Depending on what you watch, OTA may not be the best answer for you. You might be happier with a $30 Roku or similar device that streams thousands of free channels and programs using the internet. But with hurricane season on us, its also time to remember not to put all your eggs in one basket. One of the strengths of broadcast TV and radio is that even if power lines, internet, and many transmitters get taken out you still have the potential to pull in signals from what remains.
"why do they have so many PBS channels?"
Because PBS gets some tax dollar revenues they are required to service areas that don't otherwise have TV service, so they have a lot of repeaters in addition to the 3 channels they broadcast. If I rotated my antenna I actually got more PBS channels (while losing others). I don't recall the specifics any more but I believe somebody on this forum told us those were broadcast from near KMC.
This is what I have: https://www.amazon.com/ClearStream-Indoo...lectronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1533176662&sr=1-6&keywords=Antennas+Direct+ClearStream&dpID=41KYhoL70VL&preST=_SX300_QL70_&dpSrc=srch&linkCode=ll1&tag=pw016-20&linkId=e549eeefe6ecea756049da0be75f63f9&language=en_US
Depending on what you watch, OTA may not be the best answer for you. You might be happier with a $30 Roku or similar device that streams thousands of free channels and programs using the internet. But with hurricane season on us, its also time to remember not to put all your eggs in one basket. One of the strengths of broadcast TV and radio is that even if power lines, internet, and many transmitters get taken out you still have the potential to pull in signals from what remains.
"why do they have so many PBS channels?"
Because PBS gets some tax dollar revenues they are required to service areas that don't otherwise have TV service, so they have a lot of repeaters in addition to the 3 channels they broadcast. If I rotated my antenna I actually got more PBS channels (while losing others). I don't recall the specifics any more but I believe somebody on this forum told us those were broadcast from near KMC.