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Leilani residents give council an earful
Rob Tucker - He said that three years ago they labored long and hard to prepare a disaster plan. When completed they submitted it to to CoH/CD and never heard another word back.

That was Jay, current president of Leilani Community Association. He has been very vocal on behalf of the residents, although clearly fighting an uphill battle.

I appreciate that both Ruggles and Ohara taking the opportunity to question Mayor Kim on some specifics. Highlights include that Leilani residents will not be asked for their input in matters of safety, HELCO turned off the power & CD had nothing to do with it, and (more encouragingly) he will speak to the Prosecutor's office about the DLNR citations for individuals who were just trying to go about daily business when cited as those people should not be punished.

In classic style however, when asked about problems with the response including the still unseen legislative package of requests for the State, Mayor Kim said they just don't have the staff to really do things as well as he would like.

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RE: Leilani residents give council an earful - by ironyak - 08-07-2018, 01:57 PM

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