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Make Pohoiki a world class surf spot
Agree. I was being flippant. Many environmentalists are suspicious about any projects on sensitive environments like shorelines and demand rigorous EISs. I was alluding to their perspective.

Environmentalists are somewhat deceiving on the matter; they will say something like: We don't oppose coastal modification; we just want the proper permitting....T's crossed....I's dotted.

Reality is environmentalists had key roles in drafting regulations like Corp of Engineers shoreline permitting; the rules are extraordinarily complex and rigorous.

We'll never see any artificial surf breaks in Hawaii; indeed not even ocean rock rock pools, which are far less impacting on coastal environments. ocean rock pools

Hawaii, more so than almost any other state, is known for its hostility to shoreline projects.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Make Pohoiki a world class surf spot - by Guest - 08-11-2018, 11:07 PM
RE: Make Pohoiki a world class surf spot - by Guest - 08-13-2018, 09:42 AM
RE: Make Pohoiki a world class surf spot - by MarkD - 08-13-2018, 02:28 PM

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