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Plz recommend some Hawai'ian documentaries!
Originally posted by glassnumbers

I don't care if its about the people, or the volcano, or the environment, I really love watching documentaries about Hawai'i. Bonus points for ocean documentaries specifically about the Big Island's ocean critters. Some examples are like National Geographic National Park Collection, Hidden Hawaii, or The Living Beach, etc, movies about Hawai'i like Princess Ka'iulani.

Aloha Smile

I suggest Michener's Hawaii. Michener has a unique style of beginning way back in history and bringing the reader up to "current" (book) time before beginning the story in earnest.

Speaking Truth to Lies / Facts to Ignorance

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RE: Plz recommend some Hawai'ian documentaries! - by Guest - 08-20-2018, 10:44 AM

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