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Animal Quarantine Process - Questions
Aloha msmoto! Lots goin' on around here! Hey this is a heck of a process for our loved ones to make it HOME, aye?

First we had his bloodwork done and sent to KSU via our Vet and had another round of shots done for rabies and everything else! We had his microchip put in at that time as well...that was last October. I believe the bloodwork is good for at LEAST 30 months.

I sent the following to Hawaii Quarantine - all was sent certified mail, return receipt requested - which they do recommend:

1. Original KSU titre bloodwork certificate;
(I must add they don't ask for it because KSU sends it to them automatically upon completion...I didn't realize that when I sent it in...however, I do have copies for myself);

2. Two consecutive original rabies certificates (ours is from 2004 and 2005);

3. Copy of AVID Microchip certificate (again, I'm being anal here and want them to have everything);

4. Dog & Cat Import Form which must be notarized...if you are going to have them in the immediate release program then you don't have to worry about the boarding kennel questions. I chose Bar-King Kennels but didn't even contact them...our paperwork will be all in order and they will release him at the airport.

5. Check for $165 for the Quarantine Dept.;

Upon arrival into Hawaii we will have on our person copies of everything of course, but also I will have an original Health Certificate (within 7 days of travel to cover all bases); and documentation that Chuy was treated with Fipronil for fleas or ticks.

There is a stipulation that your Vet should not use "Revolution" to treat for fleas and ticks...that shouldn't be any problem with our Vet 'cause I don't think they even use that.

I was in contact with a gal named "Debbie" at the Quarantine Department who was very nice. She was helpful with all questions.

Gee, you'd think they'd make this process a little easier for THEMSELVES as well as for US first-timers who've never done this tedious list of things. I mean, there are so many areas during this process that someone could goof and not send the right thing, or Original or Copy, etc.

I would give a call to the Quarantine Dept. about a week after you send everything in. I have attached all my emails, return receipts and postage receipts along with all the other copies and certificates so they can look at everything in sum at the airport. I know ME. If there's an area that will goof up...I can do that easily. LOL!! So I have to be OVERLY-thorough to compensate.

So glad to hear that you are on the move and ready to come home! Aloha.

Malama Pono

P.S. LES - Why not give your pet tranquilizers? My vet did not mention that, but we are considering it to help him relax a little. He will be on our lap for the flight, but he's a little nervous around so many other people...just thought it would help him out a little.


"The opportunities to reach into the lives of others in an inspiring way arise in countless ways every single day..." Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

Edited by - carolann r on 08/28/2006 08:02:09

"Freedom has a scent like the top of a newborn baby's head..." U2

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RE: Animal Quarantine Process - Questions - by Carolann R - 08-28-2006, 03:57 AM

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