09-10-2018, 08:33 AM
quote:I understand what you are saying, but the Constitution does apply in Puna, and the Federal over-reach I discussed can bite Pna people in the butt. Historical context helps understanding. In any case, I'll not continue in that discussion.
Originally posted by HereOnThePrimalEdge
I don't know how long the mod will put up with it, but here goes
Since you were wondering, here's a suggestion.
1) Go back and look at the locked topics.
2) See how many of those you contributed to, and commented on.
3) Within that sample, see how many contain the word "Constitution" which will almost always take the conversation away from a local discussion, into a national or federal discussion:
From the Punaweb Forum Main Page:
Note: National and world politics are not allowed. Local,
Hawaii County and State of Hawaii politics are allowed.
Speaking Truth to Lies / Facts to Ignorance