12-01-2018, 03:56 AM
"Under Hawaiian Kingdom law as a constitutional monarchy..."
What monarchy, the one set up "illegally" at the point of a spear?
"How is this situation going to be remedied and what is the final outcome?"
That's a poser if you look too closely at how the monarchy itself came about.
"Get rid of all nation states since the dawn of the agricultural revolution?"
Not sure how this helps. Like communism there are some ideas that just aren't practical given human nature.
What monarchy, the one set up "illegally" at the point of a spear?
"How is this situation going to be remedied and what is the final outcome?"
That's a poser if you look too closely at how the monarchy itself came about.
"Get rid of all nation states since the dawn of the agricultural revolution?"
Not sure how this helps. Like communism there are some ideas that just aren't practical given human nature.