12-03-2018, 02:22 AM
Originally posted by PaulW
Wahine, I did not mean you. But there are some, see this same thread.
Everyone should do what they think is best for them, and those in close proximity.
So you’re not high risk? Great! Good luck with your recovery.
I've read through this entire thread...I see the same people butting heads and both sides have written some mean and/or childish things. Healthcare is a hot topic...ranking right up there with religion and politics. The fact that we have such limited medical resources on the BI just compounds the matter.
As I already stated, some consider me high risk due to being a survivor. However, I was lucky my cancer was caught early and my treatment was only for six months. I also returned to work two weeks after my last treatment. I am going to take a poll in my cancer groups to see how many get the flu shot...just out of curiosity.
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