01-14-2019, 06:51 AM
quote:Agenda driven at best!!!
Originally posted by glinda
Here Open d, if you want to continue to share your ignorance and lack of facts, maybe you can read this new CB article titled...
Hawaii 2040: Climate Change Is Already Here. And We’re Running Out Of Time
And tell us how the writers got it all wrong. How the effects of man induced global warming are really a lot less than they report. Please, help us all see the errors of our ways. Free us, oh wise one, from our worries and concerns.
Have a
Poste Script
Go take some pictures of the harbor at Hilo and the pier at Kailua and anywhere else you chose. Print them out or otherwise archive them.
Then, and this is important, just STOP worrying.
Ten years from now, go back to the places you originally photographed, and repeat the process.
Then compare the two sets, and after comparison, come back to PW and report your finding. If you really want to make it accurate consult your tide tables each time and use the same tidal state each time (I suggest the highest high tide of the year for each session)
Speaking Truth to Lies!!! / Facts to Ignorance!!!