01-14-2019, 07:53 AM
Originally posted by Punaperson
- I've seen first hand coral reefs destroyed by rapidly rising ocean temperatures. I thought the bleaching damage done to reefs on the Kona side was bad. Seeing what has happened to the Great Barrier Reef is almost beyond words - mile after mile of death.
- Open-d has too much time on his hands if he can argue this much with people he denigrates as consistently as he does the people who live in Puna.
Coral Bleaching is natural-occurring process causes by stresses from a multitude of causes. To assume blithely that it is caused by man-caused rising ocean temperatures is disingenuous.
The earliest incidents of coral bleaching were over 200 million years ago. Bleached coral, BTW, are not dead, they have just kicked out the algae that lives inside them. It isn't a good thing, per se, but it isn't proof of man-made global warming either. Droughts can trigger coral bleaching by blowing dust out to sea that stresses the coral.
Or, perhaps, by Vog absorbed by the ocean water.
Speaking Truth to Lies!!! / Facts to Ignorance!!!