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Another take on TMT - Aggrieved native Hawaiians
MarkD: There might be some religious belief being trampled here. IMO, the TMT supporters are correct: 1) Mauna Kea’s spiritual value has been much exaggerated and 2) the physical and historical evidence that would demonstrate such value is slim.

ohiagrrl: MarkD, (snipped some stuff).... but your final statement that Mauna Kea's spiritual value has been exxagerated is from a perspective that lacks an appreciation or reverence for spirituality. (snipped some stuff) This is THE issue that has pushed more than one solid TMT supporter over to the other side.


More than one? Two perhaps? Solid ones, I mean...?

I have it on good authority, with a reverence and appreciation for spirituality, who probably exaggerates thanks in part to an overindulgence in grog, that the only thing keeping Mauna Kea from bursting out of the baby blanket atmosphere and into space itself are the many MANY noodley appendages pressing down hard, which are required to keep it firm and proper, as they have been since before the menuhune were enslaved and eradicated.

If you want spirituality goodness, and the various tomato sauces, elongated grass seed contrivances, and cheeses (Romano, Asigio, etc. etc.) to unite us all, I suspect THE issue is for all of us to unite under the sauces of His Noodley Appendage and be transformed. The Flying Spaghetti Monster is alive and pushing, awaiting your conversion, indeed all of our conversions, and He will unite us, one and all, into the Olive Garden of Eden.

Pastafarians unite! Save Mauna Kea! Save the TMT! Save all telescropracy!

(And, as an aside, though it likely goes without saying, please be sure to don full pirate regalia on each and every Friday to combat global warming. There is a graph which proves, conclusively, that the decline in the number of pirates is the cause of global warming. We need continued snowfall on Mauna Kea if we are to have any chance whatsoever to work our way out of this mess.)


Edit: sauces


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RE: Another take on TMT - Aggrieved native Hawaiians - by knieft - 02-02-2019, 09:58 AM

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