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Hawaii Recreational Marijuana Bill In Legislature
All intoxicants have a fair long list of problems that might occur. Alcohol can be horribly debilitating.

Whether they occur depends much on the level of use. The age-all concept of moderation is highly vexing to the War on Drugs.

It means that virtually all intoxicants can be used safety. But we can't tell people that, right?

So we carry on this narrative that a very few intoxicants are just fine--marijuana being the poster child for this now. And demonizing a long list of other intoxicants as evil, horribly addictive substances. Here's 3 more drugs whose danger has been significantly exaggerated: psychedelics, ecstasy and powder cocaine.

I say we were better off with only alcohol being legal. Because now we are going to end up going down this slippery decriminalization slope--whether we like it or not.

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RE: Hawaii Recreational Marijuana Bill In Legislature - by MarkD - 03-03-2019, 07:24 AM

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