04-10-2019, 01:52 AM
Because Hawaiian telescopes were instrumental in this achievement, the black hole has been named Powehi. Happy Powehi Day!
With the M87 galaxy black hole photographed, scientists in Hawaii approached Larry Kimura, University of Hawaii-Hilo Hawaiian-language professor, about naming the object in Hawaiian.
Kimura came up with the name Powehi, which translates into “adorned fathomless dark creation.” In a proclamation, Gov. David Ige is declaring today “Powehi Day“ in Hawaii.
“So many astronomers came to Hawaii from all over the world. Our control room at the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope isn’t very large compared to others, but it was extremely crowded. It was very exciting,” Dempsey said.
With the M87 galaxy black hole photographed, scientists in Hawaii approached Larry Kimura, University of Hawaii-Hilo Hawaiian-language professor, about naming the object in Hawaiian.
Kimura came up with the name Powehi, which translates into “adorned fathomless dark creation.” In a proclamation, Gov. David Ige is declaring today “Powehi Day“ in Hawaii.
“So many astronomers came to Hawaii from all over the world. Our control room at the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope isn’t very large compared to others, but it was extremely crowded. It was very exciting,” Dempsey said.
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves