05-11-2019, 09:32 PM
I'd have to know where you got that list. The power plant would do with cooling water from the ground what they would do with cooling water from the ocean. Since they use so much of it and it only goes through once to my knowledge they don't treat it beyond maybe filtering it. It is hard to see how they could even put enough chemicals into 21 MGD to make a difference to it's properties that would benefit them.
HECO on Oahu has a permit that covers everything they emit on site. Drinking water in Honolulu has traces of copper in it. Because of that letting water run into the storm drain while drinking out of the hose would be a violation of their permit.
TLR They would treat the stuff that goes round and round through the turbine but would not treat the stuff that goes once through and back to the aquifer. I could be wrong but even so there are permits involved. If you think that the whole permit deal is bulls**t then the problem is a whole lot bigger than just this plant. Ferchrissakes we all flush our toilets. That goes to a treatment plant where various things are done to the water including putting a few chemicals in it. The last step is that it is dosed with chlorine then piped offshore into the ocean. So if you feel that strongly, get down to Puhi bay and start protesting. Either that or stop crapping.
ETA: A similar list could be generated for all the chemicals used in a drinking water plant. There are quite a few.
HECO on Oahu has a permit that covers everything they emit on site. Drinking water in Honolulu has traces of copper in it. Because of that letting water run into the storm drain while drinking out of the hose would be a violation of their permit.
TLR They would treat the stuff that goes round and round through the turbine but would not treat the stuff that goes once through and back to the aquifer. I could be wrong but even so there are permits involved. If you think that the whole permit deal is bulls**t then the problem is a whole lot bigger than just this plant. Ferchrissakes we all flush our toilets. That goes to a treatment plant where various things are done to the water including putting a few chemicals in it. The last step is that it is dosed with chlorine then piped offshore into the ocean. So if you feel that strongly, get down to Puhi bay and start protesting. Either that or stop crapping.
ETA: A similar list could be generated for all the chemicals used in a drinking water plant. There are quite a few.