06-02-2019, 10:01 AM
HOTPE: "Do you have a link to the website that categorizes liberal and conservative opinions on various situations? For instance, I’m hoping it will dig into the details of what a resident of Stockholm thinks when he discovers his bike was stolen."
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Sorry I don't have either. But hopefully we do not have much problem agreeing that varying opinions on law and order are fundamental to the split. And underlying this are questions that also have a Left-Right split:
1. Do people have a moral obligation to work or, at minimum, not to be drain or problem for society?
2. Is American society basically just/fair, does everyone have a fair shot for a decent life? (This does not mean an equal shot.)
History provides many example of unjust societies: feudal Europe, southern U.S. under slavery and Jim Crow, life under Stalin or Mao.
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Sorry I don't have either. But hopefully we do not have much problem agreeing that varying opinions on law and order are fundamental to the split. And underlying this are questions that also have a Left-Right split:
1. Do people have a moral obligation to work or, at minimum, not to be drain or problem for society?
2. Is American society basically just/fair, does everyone have a fair shot for a decent life? (This does not mean an equal shot.)
History provides many example of unjust societies: feudal Europe, southern U.S. under slavery and Jim Crow, life under Stalin or Mao.