06-27-2019, 02:06 PM
Well, ElysianWort, perhaps you believe in grey aliens (visiting us from the Andromoda galaxy and really called Zeta Reticulans) and the lizard people who are blood-drinking, shape-shifting reptilian humanoids from the Alpha Draconis star system (a species which includes Hilary and Bill Clinton, members of the UK royal family, Henry Kissinger and Bob Hope). The person who promotes this rubbish, David Icke, also prefers to be known as the son of the god-head and would dress only in turquoise to prove his point. I'm quite sure there are many who believe this stuff but a lot more might consider these ideas somewhat kooky.
I still welcome an apology from you for your disingenuous misrepresentation of my position.
Edited to avoid confusion about who I'm addressing.
I still welcome an apology from you for your disingenuous misrepresentation of my position.
Edited to avoid confusion about who I'm addressing.