07-29-2019, 03:36 AM
But wait. Maybe there's a third way. The Hawaiians call it Kapu Aloha which means all are treated with love, respect and empathy in a dispute.
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Not sure that's applicable here, from a practical sense. In many other projects of dispute, the Sandy Beach homes near the shoreline being an example, there were all sorts of mitigating factors that allowed a compromise: Fewer buildings, lower height levels, greater setbacks from the ocean, trees planted as buffers, etc.
Nothing like that can work here. TMT can't be downsized. TMT is either built or not.
Possibly there could be negotiation on removing more existing telescopes from the mountain, but I don't think either side would see that as a workable compromise.
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Not sure that's applicable here, from a practical sense. In many other projects of dispute, the Sandy Beach homes near the shoreline being an example, there were all sorts of mitigating factors that allowed a compromise: Fewer buildings, lower height levels, greater setbacks from the ocean, trees planted as buffers, etc.
Nothing like that can work here. TMT can't be downsized. TMT is either built or not.
Possibly there could be negotiation on removing more existing telescopes from the mountain, but I don't think either side would see that as a workable compromise.