08-10-2019, 10:46 AM
HOTPE -- thanks for the permit check info. I've used the site before but didn't know you could look up permits. Unfortunately, the "search records" tab is not working at the moment. I'm shocked. "-) Will try again later.
The discouraging replies are pretty much what I expected. So if anyone knows any way to proceed with legal action and can steer us somewhere for civil lawsuit advice that would be great. There is a HI law (Hawaii Revised Statutes, Chapter 712 Part V Nuisance Abatement) that prohibits people being deprived of "the quiet enjoyment of their home". That's one approach. The other is our inability to sell our house (which we really DON"T want to do) due to having to disclose this neighbor's perpetual noise. But would love to hear from anyone who might be able to recommend a lawyer. If not, yes, I'll contact a real estate agent.
Mahalo to all for your responses.
The discouraging replies are pretty much what I expected. So if anyone knows any way to proceed with legal action and can steer us somewhere for civil lawsuit advice that would be great. There is a HI law (Hawaii Revised Statutes, Chapter 712 Part V Nuisance Abatement) that prohibits people being deprived of "the quiet enjoyment of their home". That's one approach. The other is our inability to sell our house (which we really DON"T want to do) due to having to disclose this neighbor's perpetual noise. But would love to hear from anyone who might be able to recommend a lawyer. If not, yes, I'll contact a real estate agent.
Mahalo to all for your responses.
Certainty will be the death of us.